>ARC Review: Afterlight by Elle Jasper


*This title is due for release November 2, 2010*

Savannah’s most unconventional tattoo artist, Riley Poe, lives on the edge. Now she’s put over the edge when her younger brother is taken by a sinister cult led by vampires. Her only ally is the hot-tempered vampire Eli Dupre, attracted to Riley’s beauty and rare blood type. To save her brother from certain un-death, Riley faces dangers she’s never dreamed of, ruthless bloodthirsty enemies, and an evil of endless hunger that wants to devour it all…

I have this habit of when I see a new book that I absolutely love the cover of, I go and stalk search out the author. I want to know about everything!: the book, the author, and when I can expect to get it in my hot little hands. Of course, I haven’t got a clue of its contents or even if I’ll like the book, but I just can’t help my expectations. Sometimes it can be a rude awakening when things turn out to be different than what we thought they were or would be. Except, luckily enough, this wasn’t the case for me. Instead, it was the case for poor Riley Poe.

Afterlight has the reader watching through Riley’s eyes as she navigates the wreckage of her past. Riley was a rebellious and misled youth searching for a place to belong. She never did find what she was looking for and from the ashes of a tragedy she has become the smart, independent woman she is today. She is someone I can relate to and could actually see as my best friend. I’m completely in tune with her, from her sense of style to the play list she has blasting over Inksomnia’s stereo. I had several songs myself I could introduce her to and then we could spend all night rocking out.

We get excitement, action, love and mystery in every page of Afterlight. Old memories surface as Riley’s brother falls deeper into a world that she can only guess to be a cult. When she turns to her surrogate Gullah father for help, he thrusts Riley into a whole new world. The tough as nails yet squishy soft inside tattoo artist rebels against the existence of vampires, but it’ll be the sexy mystery man, Eli Dupre, who helps her come to terms with the knowledge and keep her safe. Usually it’s Doll Day who hears music when reading a book. Something that comes more natural to her, I would think, from being a singer. She must hear it in everything, but this time it was me hearing Katy Perry’s Extraterrestrial in the background.

There is one thing about Afterlight I really did not like; it has a preface. I’m not a huge fan of the preface. They always seem to tell you some bit of information that you aren’t suppose to know just yet. Something that could have added that extra bit of excitement or anticipation. I have no idea why I read it this time, knowing that I should have skipped it, but alas, I did and it left me with the feeling that I was robbed. If you can help it, I say just skip to the first chapter.

Elle Jasper’s debut into light urban fantasy romance is a quick and fun romp into the underground of Savannah’s warm nights. Lost Boys meets 30 Days of Night with a late night call from Twilight in this seductive, witty drama where the story flows like magic and the characters are very exciting. Mixing pop culture and occult references, Ms. Jasper brings to the table a sizzling new adventure that will leave you panting for more.

Dark Ink Chronicles
Afterlight-November 2, 2010
Everdark-June 2011
Eventide-Late 2011 early 2012

Find Elle Jasper: Website | Blog | Facbook

This book was given to Kitt for review by Elle Jasper.

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